Think Up Consulting is a business built on collaboration. Its 39 team members--known as Thinkers--spread their time across as many as 11 projects each. Seamless communication is a must for creating customized solutions for every Think Up customer. With Microsoft Teams, Thinkers can easily access the … [Read more...]
Pinnacle Now Offering HIPAA Compliance!
Pinnacle Now Offers HIPAA ComplianceWe now offer HIPAA Compliance for our clients and hope to make your life a little more easier by protecting you and your business and guiding you through HIPAA, leaving you stress free and safe. We promise you the best protection on the market and cover every … [Read more...]
Pinnacle Now Offering Dark Web ID Monitoring!
Pinnacle Now Offers Dark Web ID monitoringWe are glade to add Dark Web ID monitoring to our services and see this as a very important NEW service that we can offer for you and hope that you take interest in. The new monitoring platform that we use combines intelligence with search capabilities … [Read more...]