Desktop Virtualization
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is server or desktop focused technology that keeps the server or computer separated from the desktop environment and/or associated application software. The physical machine that is used to run applications, programs, or services for your information technology environment may very so having an Pinnacle Expert configuration will ensure your accuracy at implementation. Here at Pinnacle Computer Services we are certified in vmware™ and host a vast amount of customers in a virtual environment; so rest assure that our configurations are performance and proficiency focused.
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Having a virtual environment provides a complete desktop disaster recovery strategy as all components are essentially saved in the data center and backed up through traditional systems. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure can be used in unison with application virtualization and user profile management services(user virtualization). To host a comprehensive management system of your personal configuration let our experts help. The flexibility vmware provides is second to none! If you are interested in our desktop virualization processes contact us at 812-476-6662 or through our IT assessment page.
Pinnacle is your Virtual Desktop infrastructure IT Experts!
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